Research Projects

Care Experience Improvements for People with Learning Disability and/or Autism

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  • Vikki Bunting Profile Photo

    Vikki Bunting

    Business Change Lead and Social Worker, Norfolk County Council

CELDA aims to enhance the quality of care for individuals with learning disabilities and autism.

It focuses on creating a risk assessment tool for identifying at-risk homes, identifying key improvement areas in the learning disability care market, collecting feedback to develop a supportive toolkit for care providers, and establishing a joint charter to ensure staff well-being during challenging situations.

The project's collaborative approach aims to improve care quality, safety, and support for both individuals with disabilities and the professionals providing care.

Nurse Holding a Person's Hand

The CELDA project was awarded a grant by UEA Health and Social Care Partners in 2023.

A qualitative study was conducted to investigate the poor care received by people with learning disabilities and/or Autism in residential care homes which subsequently closed, as well as the trauma that the staff caring for them experienced whilst supporting these closures.

The risk matrix gives an indicative rating of risk for a poor care environment. This should assist in predicting the care delivered in the environment and has been developed to be completed with a short 'walk around' the service and asking questions of the staff during a routine visit.


Although the care provided to those with autism or learning disabilities in residential care homes is poor on a national level, the care has been seen to be particularly poor in care homes in the county of Norfolk.

Out of all the areas included in this data extract, Norfolk had the highest percentage of services rated 'Inadequate' at 30%, compared to regions like Cambridgeshire at 5% and Suffolk at 4%.



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