Our Purpose

We’re committed to supporting innovative, collaborative research

We’re empowering the regional workforce by creating a new front door to UEA ideas and expertise, supporting the wider health and care system as a key partner in the development of a confident and capable research and innovation workforce.


We are a consortium of universities, NHS Trusts, Integrated Care Boards, and councils working across Norfolk, Suffolk and North East Essex to build capacity for collaborative research.

We collaborate with charities and community groups as part of the wider integrated care system, as part of our research design.

We facilitate effective interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers and the public, partnering with the NHS, public health and social care systems, communities, universities, industry, charities, and other research funders to maximise our collective impact.


Our partnership is expanding the region’s capacity for high quality collaborative research and innovation to address the most pressing challenges affecting our population health and wellbeing.

Just as patients are at the heart of health and social care services, we believe that citizens should be at the heart of our research.

Through our collaborative partnership with the Citizens Academy, we strive to encourage more people to take part in research as an integral part of everyone’s experience of health and social care services.


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