28 Apr 2023
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Applications are now open for our Research Capacity Building Programme Funding Call 2023-2024
Applications are now open for the UEAHSCP Research Capacity Building Programme Funding Call 2023-2024
We're delighted to announce we are now accepting applications for our new funding call for 2023/24.
This call is supported by seed funding provided by UEA Health and Social Care partners to build capacity and capability for collaborative practice led research and innovation to improve the design, delivery and quality of health and social care services to meet population health needs in our Norfolk, Suffolk and North East Essex. Projects should be between £10,000 and £25,000 and fit into one of these seven partner priorities identified themes:
- Population Health Management, reducing inequalities and supporting prevention
- Improving Mental Health
- Management of long-term conditions and multimorbidity
- Improving integrated urgent and emergency care
- Learning disability and autism
- Workforce development and sustainability
- Digital technology to improve care delivery
Funders: UEA Health and Social Care Partners
Funding Type: Partnership Seed Funding Grant
Application Window Opens: 9 May 2023
Deadline for applications: midday, 16 June 2023
Notification of award: 14 July 2023
Please email ueahscp@uea.ac.ukto speak about this opportunity or request an application form.
Please use the application form to guide the focus of your application and return to ueahscp@uea.ac.uk by midday 16 June 2023 - thank you.
Projects must be led and hosted by one of the partners, include collaboration with other partner organisations and demonstrate alignment with the themes and work of at least one . No minimum number of partners is required but successful bids will achieve increased collaboration as an outcome.
All funded activity in this call must be completed by 29 March 2024 to enable the outcomes to be reported to the UEAHSCP Executive and Management Boards.
The application must address the following criteria
- Address one of the partner priorities for this year.
- Be clinically/practice/citizen driven, provide clear evidence of need, outline the gaps/challenges being addressed and what benefits the investment will provide.
- Address health inequalities in the relevant area and explain how the work will help to overcome these issues.
- Grow new collaboration between partnership staff.
- Fully engage with service users in a meaningful manner.
- Provide the platform for subsequent programmes of research and/or innovation and the ability to secure major external funding.
- Evidence executive-level organisational support to provide the necessary in-kind provision of time and resources required in addition to the grant funding.
Successful applicants must provide evidence of an impact case study, be prepared to contribute to the Researcher in Conversation series, write a blog about the impact of the work and present the project at the Annual UEAHSCP Impact Conference.
The panel will look favourably on bids that:
- Are proof of concept or feasibility studies with an intention to apply for a larger NIHR/MRC/ESRC/UKRI or similar research funding stream.
- Attract additional funding and/or in-kind time from other organisations or individuals particularly those that build opportunities to develop practitioner researcher roles in the partner organisation/community.
- Offer opportunities that align with other health and social care organisations or research networks
- Build capacity for collaborative sustainable research networks beyond the life span of the project
Projects must be led by an individual employed by one of the UEAHSCP partner organisations:
- East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
- James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board
- NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board
- Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust
- Norfolk County Council
- Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
- The Queen Elizabeth King's Lynn Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- University of East Anglia
- West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Any organisations that are associate members can collaborate but are not able to lead a project application and receive funding. Support by Associate organisations is expected to be given in kind as match funding.
Applications will be assessed by a panel convened specifically for this call comprising citizens/service users, partner organisations, RIN, RDS and chaired by PVC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Applicants will be notified by 14 July of the outcome. Feedback will be provided by the panel as a developmental process for applicants that have been unsuccessful on this occasion.
The UEAHSCP partnership team will provide:
- Consultancy in preparation for your application and will help you connect with academics and clinicians to strengthen your project.
- Administrative support in finance and contracting processes.
- Project management advice for winning projects.
- Communications support in promoting the project.
- Guidance and support for developing an impact case study.
- Please check your costing with your organisation’s research and development team or for UEA staff please contact .
- For internal UEA academics, there is no requirement to submit ‘notice to intention to write’ forms to RIN.
- Please note, we do not fund consumables.
Contact details
Contact ueahscp@uea.ac.uk with any queries you may have.
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